It had been whilst recently working with
Claire and a crew of young talent in Northumberland... but I'm sworn to secrecy...that I discovered
we had been in the middle of "National Chocolate Week".
What fun was had...for as long as I could
convince all the crew that actually it was a week for abstinence...National
Chocolate Week meant no chocolate for a whole week!
Surrounded as we were by excellent catering
and an abundance of coco bean products this probably wasn't the best I would be required to abstain myself! However this lasted for about
as long as a chocolate bar can survive when surrounded by "chocolate deprived"
females...they quickly decided I was being very cruel...normal consumption
resumed and the whole world continued turning!
However it got me thinking... chocolate and photography have often
gone together...or at least if I have a chance they do!
We had a client ask about creating images
for a new chocolatiere they were opening...a particular speciality being chocolate dipped fresh strawberries...could we create images of the process? Could
they bring a large supply of chocolate and strawberries to the studio...all in
the interests of getting the shot right you understand!
I'm not sure if we'd got the shots in the bag after the first 12 chocolate dipped strawberries...or if the whole tray of fruit was actually needed...but if it's there we might as well use it! I do remember having absolutely nothing left in the studio to take home after the shoot... Oops!

Which reminds me of the assistant and the crayfish... but I think I'll leave that one for another post!
Working with great chefs, in fantastic
hotels, means we often come across the magic that results from the simple coco
bean...but opening the bedside drawer to find a convenient supply of chocolate
during a long shoot was a welcome might have been called "The
Chocolate Room" but I'm sure it had been created just for passing
photographers... or National Chocolate Week!